point of no return

One decimal dot
between a half
life of incompletion
The fragment, airy - empty, and a whole
number everyone knows
or they feel
but nobody knows how it feels
because it goes
more like rayon.
More like mohair, more a hair shirt,
a monkey on the back and wrapped
up to the front
clinging since the sins the day
good and evil were distinguished
civil servants - the fire went out of their eyes
was extinguished - was extinguished
by a bite, a bit, a biting word,
  the word was not
not it!
It was
not imaginary and it was not good,
the mythic mouth fruit came right out
and down the spout
and life became slow death and
every number added right
beside the point
takes the sum
and the sun
and the summer
one digit further away.

Taylor Lett